Media Releases
March 3, 2022 - Fundraising Efffort for KidsZone Playground
New local non-profit group is looking for help to replace playground equipment at Lake Meade Park.
SUFFOLK, VA (March 3, 2022) The Suffolk Parks and Trails Alliance has begun a fundraising effort to replace the KidsZone Playground at Lake Meade Park. The City installed an inclusive playground in the back in 2019, but older equipment was installed through two fundraising efforts in 2001 and in 2006 led by members the City’s Early Childhood Development Commission.
That equipment is reaching the end of its useful life. Playground equipment is generally expected to last around twenty (20) years. Because that equipment was installed through donations from a community led group, the playground is much larger than a playground the City could have afforded to construct at the time stated Mark Furlo, Suffolk Parks and Recreation Director
This is where the Suffolk Parks and Trails Alliance comes in. The members of the Alliance decided to take on the replacement of the City’s largest playground as their first project. Their goal is to raise $300,000 with the City putting an additional $300,000 in their capital budget. They have formed a committee with many of the members of the original fundraising group to begin raising. The Committee meets at East Suffolk Recreation Center on the second Tuesday of the Month at 6:30pm. They are looking for additional members that are passionate about the playground. For information on joining the fundraising effort, go to the Suffolk Parks and Trails website:, Facebook page, or email